
back·er/ˈbakər/ noun - plural noun: backers - a person, institution, or country that supports someone or something, especially financially.

Get Up-To $1.5M By Selling Equity In Your Business To Everyday Retail Investors...

So You Want To Get $$$ For Your Business...

It's Your Customers Clients Users Crowd Audience Supporters Followers Fans Backers Investing In Your Business

Banks say no lenders want your firstborn and sharks can smell blood. If a crystal ball existed that could show the future for investing in startups, it would show two words: equity crowdfunding. Are you a business owner, entrepreneur, or a visionary? Do you have a business or idea that could change the world? Have you failed to launch your startup or your business is family because you can’t get funding? Have you tried to build a following on social media but it costs way too much with little or no return?

What if you could build a massive following and get funding at the same time? What if you could build a massive following of financial supporters, investors or as we like to call them backers who would give you money for a piece of your company, making them huge fans and supporters of your company? It’s kind of like marketing and venture capital had a baby, tada! Private equity crowdfunding.

Meet Joe and Lee. Joe is a successful business owner looking to expand his operations to take advantage of new trends in the market. Lee has a startup with an idea that could revolutionize the world. Unfortunately, neither one of them has the money or support they need and no way of getting it. Joe has already invested all of his money into his business and has exhausted every option he could think of. Banks said no, lenders want excessive interest, and his social presence is non-existent, and his advertising budget is through the roof just to try to stay competitive, while Lee struggles to get her idea validated and is having difficulty building the following and financial support she needs. Not to mention, “you know who” said no, and it’s the same old song, “advance.”

Then it hits them both, kind of like two birds with one stone. They need something that both builds awareness and provides funding. They need to take their companies public. Didn’t Spotify just raise nine billion dollars and Dropbox raised like 750 million? Now that would give them the massive market awareness while also providing them with investors and the funding they need. Wait, what? Doesn’t that cost like hundreds of thousands of dollars or more? There has got to be a better way. So Joe and Li set out to find it.

Thankfully they found the solution to their problems. Thanks to recent regulatory changes, they are able to raise capital by selling equity in their business to the crowd. Startups need capital, and equity crowdfunding allows everyday investors to provide capital at all stages of a startup’s life. Before now, only a limited number of high net worth individuals were able to invest in private corporations. Oh, how the rich get richer. Now, while this may be new in Canada, private equity crowdfunding has proven to be extremely successful in Europe and the United States.

Now, Joe and Li are able to raise capital through private equity crowdfunding. They are able to get all the benefits of going public (massive awareness and financial investors) without the costs and headaches associated with going public. And who knows, maybe one day they will go public. Joe was able to raise 1 and a half million dollars from 3,000 investors in exchange for 10% ownership of his company, securing the funding he needed to expand his business to take advantage of growing industry trends all while growing his business, gaining loyal social media presence, not stuck with a high-interest loan or as a minority shareholder in his own company.

Li gained 600 investors on her way to raising $200,000 for her startup while drastically increasing her social media presence and gaining valuable insight and market validation of her ideas. Now you’re probably sitting there thinking, “I’m an entrepreneur, I’ve got a small business, heck startup is my middle name, how do I get in on the action?” And Grow your business, gain loyal customers, and raise capital through private equity crowdfunding and simple backers. We’ve taken the pain and cost out of raising capital and created a simple and easy-to-use platform enabling you to raise more funds in a shorter amount of time while also gaining a massive following of loyal supporters. So you can get back to your business quicker with the funds and following you need to realize your vision and to achieve the success you want and deserve.

Thanks for joining us on the Backers Network. Now that you understand this opportunity that equity crowdfunding presents for your business, be sure to check out video number 2 in this four-part series as we look at some next steps you need to take to increase your chances of success both in business and in raising capital on the Backers crowdfunding platform.

  • Banks reject funding applications, and equity crowdfunding presents a solution.
  • Private equity crowdfunding is a successful alternative to traditional funding.
  • Startups can sell equity to everyday investors through crowdfunding, allowing for greater access to capital.
  • Joe and Lee are examples of businesses that were able to raise significant capital through private equity crowdfunding.
  • This type of crowdfunding enables businesses to gain a following of loyal supporters while raising funds.
  • The Backers crowdfunding platform simplifies the process of raising capital through equity crowdfunding.
  • The platform helps businesses grow, gain customers, and raise capital while minimizing costs.
  • The equity crowdfunding model is gaining popularity in Canada, following successful examples in Europe and the United States.

so you think you are ready to launch
your very own equity crowdfunding
campaign on backers now what before we
get to that we have a couple questions
are you an entrepreneur or business
owner do you have a business or idea
that could change the world have you
failed to launch your startup or your
business is failing because you can’t
get funding banks said no lenders want
your firstborn and sharks can smell
blood have you tried to build a
following on social media but it costs
way too much with little or no returns
okay if you answered yes to most if not
all of these great what impact would
$100,000 have on your business how about
a million or five million or more how
would that change your business and your
life stick around for the next little
while watch to the end of this video and
we’ll show you how you can change your
business and your life a quick
disclaimer don’t watch this if you don’t
have a business or you aren’t thinking
of starting one don’t watch this if
you’re not an entrepreneur or have no
desire to become one and lastly don’t
watch this if you are a business owner
or entrepreneur but you are content with
what you have and you have no desire to
grow your business gain loyal customers
or raise capital okay now that that’s
out of the way let’s get back to it so
how can you grow your business gain
loyal customers and raise capital
now hopefully most of you will know the
answers to the following but just in
case some of you skipped the previous
videos in the series here it is again
what is backers backers is an equity
crowdfunding platform that enables
private corporations to raise capital
and builds a following by selling equity
in their business what is equity
crowdfunding equity crowdfunding is a
mechanism that enables broad groups of
investors to fund startup companies and
small businesses in return for equity
investors give money to a business and
receive a share of ownership of that
business when the business succeeds that
its value goes up as well as the value
of a share in that business thanks
Wikipedia I think you get the picture
private companies raise capital or money
by selling equity or shares in their
business to the crowd it seems so simple
right so what
why should you care because 90% of
businesses failed and the question you
need to ask yourself is why do they fail
now while there are many reasons of
business fails and I’m sure you know all
of these right because you’re part of
the 10% that will succeed right but just
in case in no particular order three of
the main reasons are drumroll please
number one no plan number two no market
fit number three no cash
other notable mentions include poor
timing poor leadership poor execution
oversaturation no differentiation lack
of focus and and and the list goes on
too many it may seem as though failure
is imminent and unavoidable so as
entrepreneurs why do we even bother
great question we thought the very same
thing and so we set out to find the
ultimate solution to this very problem
how can we reduce the risks of failure
and increase the chances of success for
businesses our business your business
every business but before we get to the
solution let’s try to understand the
problem a little better problem one no
plan I mean this makes sense we’ve all
seen the quotes if you don’t know where
you are going you’ll end up someplace
else by Yogi Berra by failing to prepare
you are preparing to fail by Benjamin
Franklin give me six hours to chop down
a tree and I will spend the first four
sharpening the axe by Abraham Lincoln so
we wondered why do so many entrepreneurs
fail to plan some better questions might
be why plan what can happen if you don’t
plan and better yet what happens if you
do plan you see a business plan is kind
of like dribbling a basketball ok sports
metaphor if you’re a little OCD you’re
right it’s actually an analogy you see
dribbling is simply the means to the end
shooting scoring passing winning etc but
you need to be able to dribble up the
court and position yourself for success
and the better your handles are the
better the position you will be in to
make a play or depending on what the
defense is doing possibly make changes
on the fly but with a clear goal in mind
your chances of success will be far
greater as a great dribbler can focus on
both the immediate feet hands
all and the long-term objectives basket
teammates opponents clock score etc a
great plan also focuses on both the
immediate budgets deadlines cash flow
tasks and the long term objectives
opportunities strengths weaknesses
markets etc which brings me to the last
part of the analogy the execution of the
plan take the pick and roll for example
simple play or so it would seem but
depending on your ball handling skills
there can be many different outcomes as
is the case with the strength of a
business plan and its ability to adapt
to and for that matter foresee or even
predict possible outcomes or have the
flexibility to make necessary changes
hopefully you get it the importance of
planning but if you don’t maybe you
should stop here okay moving on now that
we all understand the importance of a
plan let’s look at business failure
reason number two no market fit this is
a big one and possibly one of the
biggest reasons as it encompasses
several things simply put the market has
a problem that you’re solving keyword
being a problem the market has not a
problem you have the market doesn’t care
about your problems they care about
their problems and whether you have a
solution to their problems the greater
the problem the greater the need for the
solution timing also plays into this not
sure where this quote comes from but it
goes something like this
pioneers get slaughtered and settlers
flourish a little graphic but I think
you get the picture just ask the people
behind the Palm Pilot
does anyone remember the Palm Pilot did
any of you actually have a Palm Pilot
for those who don’t know it was arguably
the predecessor to the iPhone it was a
PDA personal digital assistant but why
did it fail quote analysts pointed to
the fact that the company was slow to
realize that consumers wanted wireless
voice and data from the same device and
quote which shows poor timing first to
market and unable to pivot quick enough
and it also speaks to another piece in
the no market fit puzzle lack of market
validation getting objective feedback
from the market is key you can build and
include all the cool bells and whistles
you want but if it’s not
the market wants that it’s worthless and
if the market doesn’t want it it’s
simple no sales and no sales eventually
leads to a failed business it’s kind of
like trying to fit a square peg into a
round hole without the use of a router
that is woodworking joke so needless to
say market fit is extremely important
solving a problem that people actually
have and that is important to them
providing a solution to that problem and
getting market validation so that both
your solution and timing are right which
brings us to the last of our three main
reasons businesses fail not enough cash
look mom no cash does anyone remember
riding their bike with no hands how far
could you get probably not far maybe a
block or two but what happens when you
get to a major intersection and you must
stop or maneuver around traffic you’re
gonna need those hands it’s kind of like
running a business with no money you
might be able to get out of the gate but
when trouble comes you’ll need a little
grease to keep the engine running
smoothly BAM a horse a bike and a car
analogy all in one seriously though cash
is the lifeblood of any business and
there are only a couple of ways of
getting it either you sell more of your
product or services which equates to the
thing we all need in love sales or you
get money from someone else this comes
in many forms including loans credit
investments etc either way you’re
selling something in the case of a loan
or credit you’re selling a portion of
your profit margin I’ll keep it simple
we’re not about to do an accounting
lesson but it’s generally agreed that
interest owed and/or paid
along with cost of goods sold is
factored into your net income and for
some taking a loan or credit and paying
high interest rates is acceptable that’s
if you qualify as a startup
unfortunately long term this is a recipe
for disaster
just think how bad it is on the personal
lending side payday loans anyone why
would it be any better for a business so
no cash limited or no sales no credit no
loans what else can a business do raise
capital selling equity in their business
the business gets cash and gives up a
portion of the future value of the
business which is realized in a
successful business creating a higher
net income leaving more money to
reinvest creating the possible
of greater future value okay okay okay
let’s recap the solution is you need one
a plan to guide you and to execute on it
to market fit timing and validation and
three cash it seems so simple
unfortunately while there are many
different things that can be done to
accomplish each of these things there
have been few of any solutions that
address all of these at once until now a
solution to business planning or lack of
market fit and cold hard cash
all in one what if you could get a 20x
marketing ROI what if you could spend
$200 on marketing and you would get 10
new clients and if each client is worth
$200 then you’d have gotten a 10x
marketing ROI what if you could spend
that same $200 but instead of only
getting 10 new clients worth $200 each
you also got 10 new investors also worth
$200 each with the same $200 marketing
spend now you’ve gotten a 20x return on
your marketing investment will touch on
exactly how this is done a little later
but the answer is equity crowdfunding
with equity crowdfunding by its very
nature you are forced to create a plan
and you have to be able to communicate
that plan because you have to show it to
the crowd the crowd is the market they
will validate your ideas provide you
with the feedback you need and justify
your very existence as evidenced by
their interest and investment into your
company and yes you get cash in return
for the equity you sell to the crowd but
there is always a but unfortunately many
equity crowdfunding campaigns fail why
is that
we’re not conspiracy theorists but there
seems to be a conspiracy amongst the
so-called investment elite aka venture
capitalists and the angel investors so
studies suggest that the investment
decision criteria traditionally used by
VCS or business angels are not of prime
importance for success and equity
crowdfunding instead success is related
to pre-selected crowdfunding campaign
characteristics and the utilization of
both private and public networks now
that’s a mouthful essentially what it
means is that one traditional approaches
and criteria don’t determine success
it’s much more than simply bringing
an idea to a pre-existing group of
high-net-worth investors – you need to
have a strategic plan and to execute on
that plan and three that plan needs to
include you connecting with the crowd
building your audience by reaching out
to thousands if not millions of
potential clients customers and
investors it’s simple it’s equity
crowdfunding with the key word being
crowd and you need to get your message
your brand your idea your investment
opportunity out to the crowd to build
your audience it’s not your fault if you
think an equity crowdfunding portal
should bring investors to you it’s that
you have been mislead and flat-out lied
to while be seasoned angels see the fact
that for equity crowdfunding to be
successful it requires a significant
investment for businesses customers and
supporters as a negative or a problem
and would rather see more investment
coming from a pre-existing investor pool
we see that as the solution it’s your
crowd investing in your business so
let’s just agree traditional VCS and
angels are the enemy and outside of
giving you cash and taking a significant
piece of your company essentially
hijacking your company for their own
ends making you a pawn in your own chess
game venture capital it does more
harm than it’s worth
thankfully there are better ways to
raise capital who we’ve been waiting a
long time to say that but don’t just
take our word for it here’s what some
other people who have successfully
raised capital using equity crowdfunding
have to say quote it’s so cool that our
most dedicated readers have become our
shareholders end quote
Lindau schmuck CEO of hacker noon quote
Monza was the first bank to enable
customers to become shareholders through
a crowdfunding platform end quote
Tom Bloomfield founder of mons o quote
start with the people you know and
expect to tap into your personal
connections to kickstart the campaign
then deploy your marketing campaign to
reach a broader audience to help fund
the remainder end quote
entrepreneur com the question then
becomes how do you grow your audience or
crowd so that you can benefit from and
be successful with your equity
crowdfunding campaign so you can grow
your business gain loyal customers and
raise capital and the answer is backers
the backers equity crowdfunding platform
your private equity crowdfunding
platform we’ve taken the pain and cost
out of raising capital and created a
simple and easy to use platform enabling
you to raise more funds in a shorter
amount of time while also gaining a
massive following of loyal supporters so
you can get back to your business
quicker but the funds and following you
need to realize your vision and to
achieve the success you want and deserve
so you don’t have to stress about your
company’s finances giving you more time
to focus on what really matters in your
business hiring the right people
innovating with new products and
services expanding your reach and making
a difference in the world so you have a
continued support system and consistent
source of new business that will come
from your followers both new and old
because as investors they to benefit
from the success of your business and
will help you to achieve that success
Hey and maybe even so you can take some
time for yourself and unwind or recharge
spend some time with friends and family
everyone needs a break once in a while
now let me ask you another question when
was the last time you bought something
of significance immediately after
watching a 30-second video the answer is
likely never on average it takes 8
touches to get through to and to
generate a conversion with a prospect
which means you need to create a
systematic process that takes a
completely cold lead and nurtures and
warms it to the boiling point where they
not only purchase but become
enthusiastic supporters of your business
but that can be a difficult thing to do
so to answer your question at backers we
have put together a systematic and
strategic plan to accomplish just that
to enable you to grow your business gain
loyal customers and raise capital
regardless of where you currently are in
business ranging from a start-up with no
audience and only an idea to a
successful business looking to take the
next step and expanding on an existing
audience and it all starts with the
backers bootcamp
the first of three phases in the backers
blueprint it’s the ABCs of backers
audience brand capital it’s in our DNA
it guides everything we do in the first
of three modules we will look at your
audience covering various topics like
identifying your audience and target
market understanding how to reach them
and most importantly we will show you
how to grow your audience how to grow a
following of loyal and supportive
investors who will not only invest in
your business but will be the foundation
for all of your future success
we will look at creating engaging
content and social media marketing
strategies that will enable you to own
your audience and create both paid and
organic lead generation in module 2 we
will cover your brand in order to grow
an audience you need to have a clear and
concise message and you need to create a
meaningful connection with your audience
and to do this you need to start with
why why would someone want to do
business with you why are you doing what
you do what is your mission what problem
do you solve why does your solution
matter why should someone care we will
look at brand management consumer
behavior brand strategy brand equity
brand image did we say market fit quote
your brand is a single most important
investment you can make in your business
end quote and last but not least in
module 3 we will cover the capital
requirements this is where we will work
to establish a business plan to identify
the capital requirements use of capital
and to give you the tools you need to
start to do the due diligence to
understand a potential business
valuation we will give you ways to start
to look around the room to identify your
human capital requirements and to
identify your budget and resources to
accomplish your equity crowdfunding
objectives upon completion of the
backers bootcamp you will enter the
second phase in the backers blueprint
the connection phase is where you will
start to implement what was learned in
the backers bootcamp and to connect the
dots this process can be shorter or
longer depending on where you currently
are as a business the first step is to
actually build out and document your
plan and while it may sound simple this
is a key to success both on the backers
platform and in business the second step
is to start to get social and to start
to connect with and build your audience
continuously improving your message and
validating your ideas finally the third
step is to identify an outline your
actual capital requirements okay okay
so you’re ready to launch your equity
crowdfunding campaign and to start
raising some capital you have identified
and started to connect with your
audience you have a clear and concise
message and brand and why you are doing
this and you know what you need capital
wise to make it happen
its launch time introducing the backers
launch formula we banish hope marketing
using a structured sequence of content
building anticipation before your launch
creating nearly instant
come with your lunch creating an offer
so strong it’s almost impossible to
refuse we let the audience decide not an
angel in the outfield and we let the
market validate your business not a
shark out of water its audience building
on steroids first we start with the seed
launch or internal launch is the first
step in the sacs launch this is where
you go out to your existing audience
that you had or have started to build
and get the ball rolling offering only a
fraction of the overall capital
requirements at a discount
great for friends and family to get
involved upon cessful completion of the
seed raise we move into the public
launch this is where the rubber meets
the road and you grow your business gain
loyal customers and raise capital
through a series of successive launches
or launch stacking you build momentum
from launch to lunch
increasing your chances of success and
growing your audience along the way
providing you with the following and
funding you need and because there’s no
single point of failure you can make
mistakes and it still works it’s about
connecting with and growing your
audience telling your brand story and
raising the capital you need to succeed
when you follow the backers launch
formula they’re going to love you
they’re going to love your brand they’re
going to invest in you and your brand if
nothing else we want you to learn how to
be a better entrepreneur and business
owner and to increase your chances of
success both in raising capital and in
business it’s a process the backers
blueprint for success is simple it
starts with the backers boot camp the
first step in launching your campaign on
the backers platform we show you step by
step what to do how to do it and provide
the platform to do it on now like other
equity crowdfunding portals we could
charge as much as a $10,000 upfront fee
to get started and if all we did was
significantly increase your chances of
success and dramatically reduce your
risk of failure enabling you to grow
your business gain loyal customers and
raise capital giving you the funds and
following you need to succeed you’d
agree that that would be a fair price to
ask but we want to work with you and to
give you the tools you need to succeed
remember we talked about the three main
reasons for business failure no plan no
market fit no cash well you can
alleviate those worries and you can get
started today with the backers boot camp
for only 299 dollars
it’s the prerequisite to launching an
equity crowdfunding campaign on
backers private equity crowdfunding
platform and while there are a few
guarantees in life we guarantee that we
will provide you with the tools you need
and if you can follow the process and
execute on the plan and you have a
viable business opportunity you will not
find a better opportunity to grow your
business gain loyal customers and raise
capital registration is now open so what
are you waiting for register today and
get started just think a year from now
you could be in a completely different
position having raised capital your
business will have grown tremendously
you will have a huge following or as we
like to call them backers in the
financial stress you feel today will be
a distant memory hey maybe you’ll have
even taken a break for a couple of days
just think you may even be able to meet
those projections you made your business
is taking off because of the validation
and support you have from your backers
seriously what are you waiting for click
the button somewhere near this video to
register for the backers boot camp and
let’s get started today so you can build
a plan to guide you and to execute on it
you can establish market fit ensure your
timing is right and get the oh so
valuable market validation and not to
mention get the cash you need it may
sound cliche but your business will be
bigger better stronger as a result with
the funding and following you need to
succeed at this point I would like to
welcome those of you who have already
clicked the link and have started on
that journey with us and are listening
to this in the background on a different
welcome to the backers family we look
forward to working with you it’s
exciting times over the past little
while we have spoken to many of you so
it’s great to finally get started to
those of you that are still watching and
haven’t clicked to get started yet I’ll
end it with one last story and then
hopefully we’ll see you on the other
side as entrepreneurs we all struggle
unfortunately failures or missteps are
inevitable but it’s how we deal with
them and our ability to get back up and
to continue that sets a successful apart
from the rest as with anything whether
it’s sports business family it is our
ability to stand tall in the face of
adversity and to persist through what
many might think impossible that makes
us who we are to be an entrepreneur you
have to be someone special by their very
nature successful entrepreneurs have to
be different separate from the status
quo if they want
create change to other people you’ll
seem crazy because who in their right
mind would want to subject themselves to
all the trials and tribulations of being
an entrepreneur
they’ll discourage you laugh at you and
tell you that you’re wrong what’s worse
is that sometimes it will come from
people you respect like your co-workers
teachers friends and even family those
are the ones that will cut the deepest
which brings me to a story that has
always been inspiring showing that
anything can happen and it’s never too
hard work and persistence will pay off
so never give up I’m assuming we all
know Colonel Sanders the visionary
behind the wildly successful KFC
restaurant chain Colonel Sanders had a
string of failed business ventures
behind him by age 65 he traveled the US
attempting to sell his chicken recipe to
restaurants often sleeping in his car
the hard work slowly produced results
and in 1964 at the age of 73 years old
he sold the Kentucky Fried Chicken
corporation for millions his persistence
had finally paid off but imagine what
the old colonel would have been able to
accomplish with backers
and probably a lot sooner if he was able
to not only sell his chicken recipe but
also sell a small portion of his
business to each of those restaurants at
the same time now each of those
businesses would not only be buying the
tasty recipe but would become a partner
in supporter and share in the success of
KFC now thankfully you don’t have to
drive around and sleep in your car
hoping for success you can kick that
process into overdrive and fast-track
your way to success using the backers
private equity crowdfunding platform but
it all starts with the backers boot camp
and yes registration is open so what are
you waiting for click that button and
let’s get started today
seriously what are you waiting for click
that button now and let’s get started
today thanks for joining me and I look
forward to seeing you on the other side


Hey everyone, today we’re going to be talking about how you can raise up to $1.5 million by selling equity or shares in your business to everyday retail investors. This process is called an IBO or Initial Backers Offering, similar to that of an IPO or Initial Public Offering, except that the company remains privately held as it is equity crowdfunding.

So, what is an IBO and how does it work? An IBO is a fundraising method that allows businesses to sell equity to individual investors. Unlike traditional fundraising methods that involve selling shares to a small group of investors or venture capitalists, IBOs allow businesses to raise money from a larger pool of investors, including everyday retail investors.

Launching an IBO on Backers offers a range of benefits, including compliance with securities regulations, marketing support, and access to everyday retail investors, or as we like to call them BACKERS!

The process of launching an IBO involves several steps. First, the company needs to prepare an offering document, which provides detailed information about the company, its business model, financials, and the terms of the offering. The offering document is similar to a prospectus in an IPO and is used to inform investors about the investment opportunity.

After the offering document has been prepared, the company needs to launch its IBO campaign. This involves marketing the investment opportunity to potential investors through the platform and other marketing channels. The company needs to provide regular updates to investors and engage with them throughout the campaign.

If the IBO is successful and the company raises the desired amount of capital, it can use the funds to grow its business, develop new products or services, or invest in marketing and sales efforts. Investors, in turn, receive equity in the company and may benefit from future growth and profitability.

In conclusion, IBOs are a powerful fundraising tool that can help businesses raise up to $1.5 million by selling equity to everyday retail investors. By leveraging Backers online platform and complying with securities regulations, companies can access a larger pool of investors and secure funding for their growth and development. So, if you’re looking to raise capital for your business, consider launching an IBO and take advantage of this innovative fundraising method.

  • IBO (Initial Backers Offering) is a fundraising method that allows businesses to sell equity to individual investors.
  • IBOs allow businesses to raise money from a larger pool of investors, including everyday retail investors.
  • Launching an IBO on Backers offers benefits such as compliance with securities regulations, marketing support, and access to everyday retail investors.
  • The process of launching an IBO involves preparing an offering document, launching a campaign, marketing the investment opportunity, providing regular updates to investors, and engaging with them throughout the campaign.
  • If the IBO is successful, the company can use the funds to grow its business, develop new products or services, or invest in marketing and sales efforts.
  • Investors receive equity in the company and may benefit from future growth and profitability.
  • IBOs are a powerful fundraising tool that can help businesses raise up to $1.5 million by selling equity to everyday retail investors.

Backers – Investing In Opportunity

“Investing in Opportunity” means using money or resources to support an idea, business, or person because you believe it could be successful in the future. It’s like planting a seed because you believe it will grow into a beautiful tree.

“Investing in Opportunity” typically refers to the act of allocating financial resources, such as capital or funds, into projects, ventures, or assets with the potential to generate favorable returns or positive outcomes. This concept is often associated with seeking opportunities that offer a chance for financial growth, wealth creation, or achieving specific goals.

“Investing in Opportunity” also refers to how people can experience numerous benefits by starting a business and receiving investment from others in the form of money, time, and advice. Here are some of the advantages they can gain:

Economic Empowerment: Starting a business allows people to take control of their financial destiny and generate income. By receiving investments, they can access the necessary capital to launch and grow their ventures. This empowerment can lead to improved financial stability and a reduction in economic disparities.

Increased Opportunities: Entrepreneurship provides people with opportunities they may not have otherwise had access to in traditional employment settings. It allows them to create their own roles and establish a business based on their strengths, passions, and market demands. This can foster innovation and unique contributions to various industries.

Job Creation: When people start their own businesses, they have the potential to create job opportunities for themselves and others within their communities. This job creation can contribute to local economic growth, reduce unemployment rates, and provide employment options for individuals facing systemic barriers in the job market.

Building Wealth and Assets: Entrepreneurship offers people the chance to build wealth and assets over time. As their businesses grow and become profitable, they can accumulate personal and business assets, including property, equipment, intellectual property, and other valuable resources. This accumulation of wealth can lead to long-term financial security and generational wealth creation.

Skill Development: Starting a business involves acquiring a wide range of skills and knowledge in areas such as finance, marketing, operations, and leadership. By receiving investments from others, people can access valuable resources such as mentorship, training, and advice. These resources enable them to enhance their skill set, expand their network, and increase their chances of long-term success.

Networking and Collaboration: Engaging with investors and mentors provides people with networking opportunities that can open doors to new partnerships, collaborations, and business connections. These relationships can lead to strategic alliances, access to new markets, and further growth opportunities for their businesses.

Representation and Social Impact: People who start successful businesses and receive investments can become role models and catalysts for change within their communities. Their accomplishments inspire others facing similar challenges, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and empowerment. Furthermore, their businesses can have a positive social impact by addressing specific needs and creating solutions that benefit communities.


Backers – Investing In Opportunity

  • “Investing in Opportunity” involves supporting ideas, businesses, or individuals with the belief in their potential for future success.
  • It refers to allocating financial resources into projects, ventures, or assets with the aim of generating favorable returns or positive outcomes.
  • Benefits of investing in opportunity include economic empowerment, increased opportunities, job creation, wealth and asset building, skill development, networking and collaboration, and social impact.
  • Backers is a platform that facilitates investing in opportunity by connecting investors with entrepreneurs and businesses seeking investment.
  • Backers provides a platform for individuals to support and invest in promising ideas, startups, and ventures.
  • Backers offers opportunities for investors to allocate capital, resources, and expertise to projects and businesses they believe have the potential for success.
  • Through Backers, investors can contribute to economic growth, job creation, innovation, and social impact by supporting entrepreneurial endeavors.
  • Backers enables entrepreneurs to access the necessary funds and support to launch and grow their ventures, fostering economic empowerment and development.
  • Backers serves as a platform for networking, collaboration, and mentorship, connecting investors and entrepreneurs for mutual benefit and success.
  • Backers aims to create a culture of entrepreneurship and opportunity by providing a platform for investment and support in promising ventures.

Investing locally, also known as local investing, refers to the act of directing financial resources towards businesses, startups, or projects within one’s own community or geographic region. It is a way of supporting local economic development, fostering entrepreneurship, and potentially earning financial returns. The concept stems from the notion that investors have a better understanding of the opportunities and risks in their local area and can thus make more informed decisions.

Here are several facets to consider when expanding on the concept of investing locally:

Forms of Local Investing

Equity Investments: This involves purchasing shares or ownership in local businesses. As an equity investor, you would share in the company’s success (and risk).

Debt Investments: This involves lending money to local businesses or individuals, often in the form of bonds or loans, with the expectation of being paid back with interest.

Crowdfunding: Many local businesses use crowdfunding platforms to raise funds. These campaigns allow individuals to contribute small amounts of money, often in exchange for rewards or equity.

Community Investment Funds: These are pooled investment vehicles that direct funds into local businesses or projects. This method allows for diversification across a range of local investments.

Benefits of Local Investing

Economic Development: By investing locally, you can directly contribute to the growth and success of your local economy.

Job Creation: Successful local businesses often lead to job creation, reducing unemployment in your community.

Community Improvement: Investments can lead to enhanced infrastructure, improved services, and overall community advancement.

Potential Returns: If the business or project you invest in succeeds, you stand to earn a financial return on your investment.

Risks of Local Investing

Business Failure: Like any investment, there’s always the risk that the business or project may fail, leading to potential loss of your investment.


Lack of Liquidity: Local investments often lack the liquidity of publicly traded securities, making it difficult to sell your investment quickly.

Limited Diversification: If you invest a large portion of your wealth locally, you might lack diversification, increasing your risk.

Understanding the local landscape, the businesses operating within it, and the potential risks and rewards of investing are key to successful local investing. It requires due diligence, just like any other investment decision. But, when done right, it can be a powerful tool for driving economic growth and community development.

Invest Local on the Backers Funding Portal

Backers – Investing In Opportunity

  • Investing locally, or local investing, involves directing financial resources towards businesses, startups, or projects within one’s own community or geographic region.
  • Forms of local investing include equity investments, debt investments, crowdfunding, and community investment funds.
  • Equity investments involve purchasing shares or ownership in local businesses, while debt investments involve lending money to local businesses or individuals.
  • Crowdfunding platforms allow individuals to contribute small amounts of money to local businesses in exchange for rewards or equity.
  • Community investment funds are pooled investment vehicles that direct funds into local businesses or projects, providing diversification.
  • Local investing can contribute to economic development, job creation, community improvement, and potential financial returns.
  • Risks of local investing include the potential failure of businesses or projects, lack of liquidity compared to publicly traded securities, and limited diversification.
  • Successful local investing requires understanding the local landscape, conducting due diligence, and assessing risks and rewards.
  • Backers is a funding portal that supports local investing and offers opportunities for individuals to invest in local businesses and projects.

Are you a business that’s already spending money on marketing and advertising to attract new clients or customers? Are you looking for a way to reduce your customer acquisition costs and increase the lifetime value of your customers? Upsell With Equity!

With our innovative Upsell With Equity program, we’ll help you leverage your existing customer acquisition cost to attract new investors to invest in your equity crowdfunding campaign. Essentially, you’ll be upselling your customers or clients to invest in your equity, reducing your customer acquisition costs and increasing the lifetime value of your customers.

Research shows that upselling to existing customers can be a highly effective strategy for increasing revenue and customer lifetime value. Here are some statistics to consider:

It’s easier to sell to existing customers: The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%, compared to just 5-20% for a new customer.

Upselling is more effective than cross-selling: Upselling to existing customers is 20 times more effective than cross-selling.
Existing customers spend more: On average, existing customers spend 67% more than new customers.

Upselling drives revenue: Increasing customer retention rates by 5% increases profits by 25-95%.

Satisfied customers are more likely to invest: Satisfied customers are 3-5 times more likely to repurchase and refer others.

By leveraging Backers’ Upsell With Equity program, businesses can not only increase revenue and customer lifetime value but also attract new investors to their Initial Backers Offering.

  • Upsell With Equity is an innovative program offered by Backers that helps businesses reduce customer acquisition costs and increase customer lifetime value.
  • The program leverages existing marketing and advertising efforts to attract new investors to invest in equity crowdfunding campaigns.
  • Research shows that upselling to existing customers is more effective than cross-selling and leads to increased revenue and customer retention rates.
  • Existing customers are more likely to invest and refer others.
  • By using Upsell With Equity, businesses can not only increase revenue and customer lifetime value but also attract new investors to their IBO on Backers.

Are you planning to launch an Initial Backers Offering? Are you looking to raise your target goal by giving away less equity? Look no further than the Backers Stacked Launch Formula. The Backers Stacked Launch Formula is designed to help issuers like you achieve your funding goals while giving away less equity.

With the Backers’ Stacked Launch Formula, you’ll raise the total goal or amount you want to raise in smaller chunks monthly.By doing so, you can raise the target goal gradually, while your valuation increases each successive month or round, allowing you to give away less equity as you progress.

Get ready to achieve your funding goals like never before with the Backers’ Stacked Launch Formula! We understand the challenges that come with raising capital, especially when it comes to giving away too much equity. That’s why we’ve designed an innovative formula that will help you raise the target goal gradually, over a period of 10 to 12 months. With our formula, you’ll be able to break the total goal or amount you want to raise into smaller chunks monthly. As you progress, your valuation will increase each successive month or round, allowing you to give away less equity while still achieving your funding goals.

The Backers’ Stacked Launch Formula is the ultimate solution for issuers who want to raise capital without giving away too much equity. This approach not only makes it easier for you to reach your target goal gradually but also ensures that your valuation increases each successive month or round. The result? You get to keep more of your equity while achieving your funding goals.

Ready to take your funding goals to new heights? the Backers’ Stacked Launch Formula is the answer you’ve been looking for! Our innovative formula breaks down the total amount you want to raise into smaller chunks monthly. By doing so, you can gradually raise your target goal while watching your valuation increase each successive month or round. The best part? You get to keep more of your equity while achieving your funding goals. It’s a win-win situation that you don’t want to miss out on!

  • The Backers Stacked Launch Formula is designed to help issuers raise their funding goals while giving away less equity.
  • The formula involves raising the total goal in smaller monthly chunks, allowing for a gradual increase in valuation and less equity to be given away.
  • The formula is a solution for issuers who want to raise capital without giving away too much equity and makes it easier to reach funding goals.
  • By using the Backers Stacked Launch Formula, issuers can keep more equity while achieving their funding goals.
  • The formula is an innovative and effective way to raise capital and is a win-win situation for issuers.

Backers 101 is a complementary tool that we offer to those launching an Initial Backers Offering or IBO on Backers. Curated from the learnings and teachings of many experienced entrepreneurs and business consultants, it is the ultimate guide to launching, running, and scaling a successful business. Over the course of 101 days, you will learn everything you need to know about entrepreneurship and business, from idea generation to funding and everything in between.

In Backers 101, you will learn how to come up with a business idea, evaluate its potential, and create a comprehensive business plan. You will also learn how to conduct market research, understand your target audience, and identify your competition. Additionally, you will gain a deep understanding of marketing, finance, human resources, and funding options, which are all essential for running a successful business.

By the end of Backers 101, you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to launch, run, and scale a successful business. You will know how to network with potential customers, investors, and partners, hire and manage employees, create a positive workplace culture, and ensure legal compliance. Furthermore, you will understand the different funding options available to you and know how to pitch your business to investors. Whether you are a first-time entrepreneur or an experienced business owner, Backers 101 will provide you with the tools you need to succeed.

  • Backers 101 is a complementary tool offered by Backers for those launching an IBO.
  • It is a 101-day guide to launching, running, and scaling a successful business, curated from the experiences of entrepreneurs and business consultants.
  • The course covers everything from idea generation to funding, including market research, marketing, finance, human resources, and legal compliance.
  • By the end of Backers 101, participants will have the skills and knowledge to network, manage employees, create a positive workplace culture, and pitch their business to investors.
  • Backers 101 is suitable for both first-time entrepreneurs and experienced business owners.

Enhanced promotion on the Backers Funding Portal promoting your Initial Backers Offering refers to various strategies and tactics used to increase the visibility and attractiveness of your IBO to potential investors. Which may include some or all of the following.

Featured Placement: Backers offers premium placements to certain IBOs, prominently featuring them on the Funding Portal or our various media outlets.

Increased Traffic: Backers will support targeted marketing on the funding portal or through social media channels to reach a wider audience.

Referral Marketing: Encouraging existing investors or supporters of your Initial Backers Offering to share it with their networks through referral programs or social media sharing.

Investor Incentives: Backers may offer additional incentives, such as early access, discounts, or exclusive perks, to investors who participate in your Initial Backers Offering.

Investor Outreach: Backers may conduct outreach to potential investors through targeted email campaigns or other communication channels to generate interest and encourage investment.

Ultimately, Backers’ enhanced promotion aims to increase the exposure and appeal of your targeted Initial Backers Offering, which can help attract more investors and increase the chances of meeting your funding goals.

  • Enhanced promotion on the Backers Funding Portal refers to various strategies to increase the visibility and attractiveness of your IBO to potential investors.
  • These strategies may include featured placement, increased traffic through targeted marketing, referral marketing, investor incentives, and investor outreach.
  • Featured placement includes premium placements on the Funding Portal or media outlets.
  • Referral marketing encourages existing investors or supporters to share your IBO through referral programs or social media.
  • Investor incentives may include early access, discounts, or exclusive perks.
  • Investor outreach involves outreach to potential investors through email campaigns or other communication channels.
  • Enhanced promotion aims to increase exposure and appeal of your IBO, attracting more investors and increasing the chances of meeting funding goals.

Equity crowdfunding is becoming an increasingly important tool for startups and venture capital. By allowing companies to raise capital from a large number of individual investors, equity crowdfunding democratizes the fundraising process and gives startups access to a wider pool of potential investors.

One of the most exciting developments in the equity crowdfunding space is the emergence of blockchain-based security token offerings (STOs). STOs use blockchain technology to create digital tokens that represent ownership in a company, similar to traditional stocks.

One of the biggest benefits of STOs is that they allow for fractional ownership, meaning that investors can purchase small amounts of a company’s equity, rather than having to invest large sums of money. This makes it easier for a wider range of investors to get involved in early-stage companies, and allows startups to raise more capital from a larger number of investors.

Another benefit of Security Tokens is that they are highly transparent and secure, which can help to increase investor confidence and reduce fraud. With blockchain technology, all transactions are recorded on a public ledger that is tamper-proof, and the smart contracts used in STOs can be programmed to automatically enforce compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

At Backers, we believe that, equity crowdfunding and blockchain-based Security Tokens have the potential to revolutionize the way startups raise capital and give more people the opportunity to invest in the next big thing. As the industry continues to evolve, it will be exciting to see how these new fundraising methods will shape the future of venture capital and the startup ecosystem.

  • Equity crowdfunding is important for startups and venture capital.
  • It allows companies to raise capital from a large number of individual investors and democratizes the fundraising process.
  • Security token offerings (STOs) are a new development in equity crowdfunding using blockchain technology to create digital tokens that represent ownership in a company.
  • STOs allow for fractional ownership, making it easier for a wider range of investors to get involved in early-stage companies and for startups to raise more capital from a larger number of investors.
  • Security Tokens are highly transparent and secure, which can increase investor confidence and reduce fraud.
  • Backers believes that equity crowdfunding and blockchain-based Security Tokens have the potential to revolutionize the way startups raise capital and give more people the opportunity to invest in the next big thing.
  • These new fundraising methods will shape the future of venture capital and the startup ecosystem.

Introducing Backers Asset Tokenization and Security Token Services, unlocking the power and potential of blockchain!

Are you looking to leverage the power of blockchain to revolutionize the way you do business? Do you want to explore new opportunities for growth and investment? Look no further than Backers. Our team of blockchain experts is dedicated to helping businesses like yours unlock the potential of this game-changing technology through innovative asset tokenization and security token services.

With our comprehensive services, we’ll help you tokenize your assets and create security tokens that are easily tradable and accessible on blockchain-based platforms. We’ll work closely with you to understand your business goals and develop a tailored tokenization strategy that delivers real results, harnessing the full potential of blockchain technology.

Our services include asset tokenization, security token issuance, token offering design, smart contract development, and more, all designed to provide a secure, efficient, and compliant platform for your transactions. By harnessing the full power of blockchain technology, we’ll help you unlock new opportunities for growth and investment, while enhancing transparency, security, and efficiency.

At Backers, we understand that blockchain can be complex and intimidating. That’s why we take care of everything for you, from developing your token offering and issuing your security tokens to marketing your tokens and managing your investors. Our team of dedicated blockchain experts will handle all aspects of your blockchain campaigns, so you can focus on growing your business and unlocking new opportunities.

Ready to unlock the power and potential of blockchain technology? Let Backers help you achieve new heights through the power of asset tokenization and security tokens on the blockchain.

  • Backers Asset Tokenization and Security Token Services help businesses leverage blockchain technology.
  • The services include asset tokenization, security token issuance, token offering design, smart contract development, and more.
  • Backers’ team of blockchain experts works closely with businesses to develop a tailored tokenization strategy that delivers real results.
  • The services aim to provide a secure, efficient, and compliant platform for transactions and to unlock new opportunities for growth and investment.
  • Backers’ team takes care of everything from developing the token offering to marketing and managing investors.

Raising capital for a business or investing in one can be a difficult task. However, with the rise of equity crowdfunding, the process has become much more accessible for both investors and businesses. As a business owner, backers allowed us to raise the capital we needed to expand our business without having to go through traditional channels like banks or venture capitalists.

An investor on backers was unable to find and invest in the early stage companies that align with my values and interests. Plus, I now have a stake in the success of the business. For businesses, equity crowdfunding allows for a wider pool of potential investors and the ability to raise capital quickly.

For investors, it provides access to a diverse range of investment opportunities and the potential for high returns. With equity crowdfunding, businesses and investors can come together to create a mutually beneficial partnership, driving innovation and growth in the economy.

Equity crowdfunding is revolutionizing the way we raise capital and invest in businesses. Join the backers movement today and be a part of building a better future. Backers are investing in opportunity.