
Private Is The New Public!

Grow Your Business, Gain Loyal Customers, & Get Funding

Without Paying High Interest Loans or Giving Away Total Control of Your Business!

Are You... An Entrepreneur? Business Owner? Or Visionary?

Launch Your IBO - Initial Backers Offering

Video #1 - The Opportunity

Backers Is A Social Funding Platform That Enables Entrepreneurs To Grow Their Business, Gain Loyal Customers, And Get Funding, By Selling Equity (Shares) In Their Business To Everyday Investors (The Crowd) On Regulated Funding Portals… Commonly Referred to as Equity Crowdfunding.

It’s Kinda Like Marketing And Venture Capital Had A Baby!!!

It’s Simple… Businesses need capital, and Backers Enables Everyday Retail Investors to provide Funding at all stages of a Business’s life…

You Need To Grow Your Business… You Need To Gain Loyal Customers… You Need To Get Funding… You Need Backers!

Video #2 - Next Steps

Identify Your Audience

Grow Your Audience Of Loyal Customers And Supporters

Understand Your Brand

Establish Your Brand Story...

Establish Your Capital Requirements

Identify Your Capital Requirements...

Video #3 - The Blueprint


Develop your brand, audience, skills and plan...


Connect & engage with your audience...


Launch your IBO - Initial Backers Offering...

Video #4 - Getting Started

So you think you're ready to launch your very own IBO - Initial Backers Offering... Let's get started!

It's Your Customers Clients Users Crowd Audience Supporters Followers Fans Investing Your Business!